A birth day returns and the dance beckons

The search for identity is a search for one’s part in the “dance of creation”. For the human species, nature and god has choreographed the most bewildering of all dances in creation. It is not one dance, but three that we must all perform, and as the ultimate challenge, we must perform them simultaneously.
The first dance is the dance of the senses. In this dance we are held enthralled by the hedonistic rhythms of sense and sensuality. Their siren calls lure us to the endless search for satisfaction. Yet we remain unsatisfied. Why?
It is because even in the writhing of the first dance, we hear the strains of the symphony of the second., the dance of mind, that needs meaning, without which the heart first strains, and eventually bursts. The dance of mind knits together with the dance of pleasure and pain to seek meaning in the choreographed consciousness we call life. Yet the emptiness persists. Why?
It is because the strains of the symphony of the second dance, descend, in time, into an adagio for mortality. We try to seek peace before the music stops, the curtain falls and the dancing ends. But where?
There is the third dance that we may never perform, wherein we may find that peace. It is the dance of souls. It is beyond explanation, beyond words. It is a dance to the universal, the steps of the finite following the infinite. In this dance, ambition, power and riches are meaningless. In this dance, we are links, nothing but links. This is our ultimate meaning in the dance of creation.