Sunday, February 04, 2007

Links - The Earth's Secret


The earth is in flux,

thesis and antithesis joist

in never ending duel,

forming, transforming,

wave after wave,

crashing upon the shores

of Man's brief conciousness.

In this world of flux,

where evil lurks behind

those who kill in the name of god,

where joy is the temporary suspension

of perpetual transience,

what is the duty of the soul

that sees beyond the

emptiness of ritual dogma,

of the pleasures of flesh,

of power and ambition,

all of which mould into

the furrows of history's clay?

The answer lies in the waves,

the turn of the seasons,

the dance of predator and prey

the bloody circles of war,

the paradoxes of peace,

the progress of man,

the glow of galaxies,

the deadness of space,

the birth of matter,

the cry of a newborn:

Links... we are nothing but



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